Sunday, July 24, 2011

Days 34 to 41: Sooo ready to "eat"!

Today is one of those good days and bad days.  I'm still very glad that I'm able to "stick with it", but at the same time, I can't wait to start eating again.

I'm becoming food obsessed.  Tivo is my best friend, as I record tons of food shows on both Food Network and the Cooking Channel.  However, I do see things a lot differently.

I have no interest in anything fried or anything sweet.  I simply want fresh and healthy.  I may have even found a local vendor for home raised and grass fed chickens!  (Can't wait to try it!)

Frank is eating much better, too.  His dinner last night was cukes, tomatoes and onions mixed with a home made vinagairette and fresh mozzarella.  It was his first time eathing fresh mozz and he loved it!   Truth be told, it doesn't appear hard to make, so I ordered a kit.

                               ------------ Cleaning the Juicer ----------------
After I finish using the juicer, I pour my drink over ice to chill then immediately clean the juicer.  Here's the cleaning process:

All the pieces that have to be washed.
The filter thing is the hardest to wash.
 Spray well to loose food particles...
....and scrub with included brush.

Hope you all are going well!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are doing well! Keep it up! Glad I could be of some help to you.
