Sunday, June 26, 2011

Days 10-13 Going strong!

Well, I haven't tracked the food as well as I should have, so I don't have specifics. 

In general, I mostly have hot V8 for lunch and dinner.  In the morning and for snacks, I have a Bolthouse juice --mostly because I bought a bunch I wanted to try.

The weight loss has slowed down to a crawl.  If I had to guess, I'd say I need to get my butt back to juicing like I originally planned!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Days 8 and 9

Day 8:  Having completed my first 7 days, I treated myself to my first "reward" -- a haircut! 

             Daytime: Bolthouse drink,  and I forgot what I juiced together!
             Evening:  Bowl of V8 soup.

Day 9:  Tonight I juiced a mixture of 1/4 of a melon, strawberries, raspberries, blackberies and blue berries.  I poured it in a shallow "blate"  (bowl/plate), then put it in the freezer for a while.  After it was softly-frozen, I scooped it into a bowl and ate it like a sorbet.  Yummy!

              Daytime: Bowls of V8, peach, pear and apples
              Evening:  Fruit medley "sorbet".

Monday, June 20, 2011

Days 5, 6 and 7 V8 to the rescue!

Tally for week one:   11 pounds lost!!!

The last few days have been easy.  I haven't really been hungry, which turned into me not consuming many calories.  Of the drinks I was making, it was mostly juices and very few veggies.

I definitely don't want to be on a extremely low cal diet, as that was never my intent.  So I went to the grocery store and checked some labels.

I found some Bolthouse drinks and V8 juices that have the same ingredients that I would use for juicing.

I bought a few bottles and will use them for when I'm on the road. 

In the evening, I poured some of the V8 into a saucepan and heated it up on the stove.  Thinking of it as soup, I had a bowlful and ate it with a spoon.  It was delicious!   That has been my primary dinner staple for the last few nights.

On day 7, I mixed V8 original with V8 spicy and it was AWESOME!

Saturday:  Daytime:  Pineapple and apples
                  Dinner:    V8 "soup"
Sunday:  Dayttime:  1/2 apple, 2 stalks kale, 1 cup watermelon and 10 grapes

                Dinner:   V8 "soup"

Monday:  Daytime:  1/2 melon and 1 apple
                                   Bolthouse Farms 50/50 berry drink

                 Evening:  V8 "soup"  (spicy mixed with original)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Days 2, 3, and 4: Much easier...

Day 2:  I mixed up carrots, apples and watermelon.  They were VERY good. 

Today I also discovered that V8 juices are just veggies -- with no additivies.  This might not follow the FSND plan exactly, but they do say to adapt the program to yourself. 

Day 3:  Pineapple mixes with blueberries.  This is the BEST YET!   I also tried melon, peach and celery but is was disgusting (too much celery), so I dumped it.

My saving grace is the V8.  I heat it up in a saucepan on the stovetop and eat it like soup.  At this point, this will be my "dinner plan" for a while, after the first week of July, things should be slowing down at the store a little bit so it won't be as many late nights.   My plan is to make my own version of V8 to have every day.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 1: This is going to be harder than I thought!

I started the day out with my glass of water with lemon squeezed in it...

...then I washed my fruit and veggies in a mixture of Organic Vinegar and Arm & Hammer baking soda. 

Here's what I made today:  1 large red apple, 2 granny smith apples,. 4 stalks of celery, 1 large cuke, 1 pear, 3 stalks of kale.  Once juiced, it made up about 40 ounces of liquid.

  Here's what it looks like freshly juiced.

I poured the mixture into a large pitcher, then poured a good amount in my glass that had ice added.  The remainder I saved to drink later.   On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best-- I'd give it a 4.  It's nothing that you "look forward to", but at the same time the taste is actually good and I didn't mind drinking it.

As the day went on, however, I had less and less desire to drink it.  I kept it very, very cold, but I think drinking it with a straw just made it harder to 'get down'.

In the end, I only ended up drink about 3/4 of it for the entire day.  My plan is a fruit drink in the morning and fruit/veggie drinks during the day.  Next time, I'll make a LOT less.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bought groceries! Here's what it cost...

I bought fresh fruits and vegetables to start my juice fast.  It looks like this Tuesday (June 14th) will be my "start" day. 

Organic foods were tops on my list, but the prices were "out-of-this-world".  Instead, I've decided to start with the lowest cost items that are as locally grown as possible.  For example, I picked Granny Smith apples (grown in America) instead of the apples grown in Argentina! 

Later, I'll focus on "locally grown" (preferrably within 100 miles of home) and then transition into organic only.  Honestly, I also want to make sure I'm not wasting a lot of food, too!

Here's a breakdown of what I bought:  Starting at the top center:  Red swiss chard, cukes, pineapple (freshly cut), lemons, limes, beets, carrots, red leaf lettuce, ginger,  pears, peaches, apples, melon, coconut, young coconut, green coconut, kale and celery.

The total cost was $45.52.

There are the fruits and veggies that I already had and will be using.  I don't have the exact cost, but I'll guess that this cost about $15.00              Can't wait to see how much the 60 days of juice fast will cost me!

Two day delay...

We've been very, very busy at the store lately and it just seems like we're always playing "catch up".

Since I haven't had time to plan and shop, I'm putting off starting for two more days.  Instead of today (June 12, 2011) being the start date, I'm pretty sure it will be June 14th.

Of course, during these last couple of odays I am enjoying eating some "treats"!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Our first batch of "Mean Green"

On his way home from work, Frank called to say that he wasn't really hungry for dinner.  Instead, he just wanted to shower and go to bed.  (He gets up at 4am and works a 12 hour shift of loading and unloading boxes all day.)

Earlier today, I made a trip to the local grocery store and picked up a few fruits and veggies to try in the Breville.  I had "organics" in my basket at first, but found that twice the size of non-organics was also half the price!  Unfortuntely, I opted for the lower priced items.

Before juicing, I scrubbed the kitchen sink and made a bath of organic vinegar and baking soda.  I also lightly "washed" the produce with baking soda.

After a wash and a rinse, we followed the recipe for "Mean Green Juice". 

In capturing the moment on my cell phone, I thought I was in "video" mode and we created a nice little piece for our first juicing experience.  Alas, it didn't record.  Instead, it took a couple of pictures, which I've attached.

Taste wise, it's kind of "neutral".  I wouldn't say it tastes "good" or "bad".  It's definitely "palatable", but will take some getting used to!   I don't start for another week, but it's nice to know what I'm getting myself into!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Frank Watched!

After dinner tonight (mom's recipe of Suasage Bread!!)  Frank and I were channel surfing on the TiVo and found the partial taping of "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".

We watched it and he really like it!  He related to Phil and his brother "Bear" and laughed at a lot of their "one liners".  By the time we got to the end, he total understood what I am planning to do and WHY -- which is not just for the weight loss.

In fact, he now wants to do a partial juicing to enjoy the health benefits.  He wants to start earlier than June 12th (my planned start date), but I won't move my start date because I need time to wean off of caffeine from my Diet Mountain Dew.    

Time will tell how seriously HE takes it!