- Energy. After seeing nutrition so clearly (while juicing), that same clarity quickly became muttled up. A few bites of this or that processed junk would increase to a few pieces, then to a few meals. Quicker than I can believe, I was back to my very poor food choice habits.
- Plan: Focus on food as energy. Experience taught me:
- Junkfood makes me lethargic.
- Timing: Being busy, for me, isn't just an excuse -- it's a fact of life. While I thought I was super busy a year ago, I've become even busier since then. I create my own reality, so "busy" is a choice -- and I need to keep my work schedule and social life in check. Besides, there's no time like the present. If I wait till I'm not busy, I'll most certainly be dead!
completing timely
- Rigidity vs. Flexibility. I tried to stick to the ReBoot plan 100% -- with no variances except for some pre-bottled juices (BoltHouse and V8). Easily bored, I ended up consuming way too few calories near the end. It basically became a super low calorie diet -- which led to a large amount of hair loss about 6 months later. ((One point to note-- even though my calorie consumption was super, super low--- I STILL had plenty of energy! )))
- Most of the time, I will be juicing. However, during most of June I'll be traveling for work and staying out of town.
- During my travels, we'll be taking clients out to lunch and having dinner meetings. As such, I will be consuming some "real" foods. Having issues with colitis (mentioned in earlier posts), I'm limited to the amount of salads and roughage I can eat.
- I'll take it day by day and drink the jucies as much as possible -- but, again, I didn't want to wait for "better" timing. I'm going to make it work for me -- regardless of where I am.
- Simplicity is essential to making this work again. The V8 (warmed as soup) and Bolthouse (juice only- not smoothies) helped me get through before and it will again.
- I've already juiced my oranges, strawberries, apples and blueberries. After freezing them in ice cube trays I bagged them up. (I have yet to juice/freeze the veggies) My MagicBullet is packed in my luggage and I've confirmed that the hotel (for June) will have a fridge/freezer. I can buy bottled juices, a few at a time, and keep in the hotel, too.
- The hotel "bistro" sells "Naked" fruit juices, so I can always grab a quick bottle if I need to.
- Desire. I just want to look and feel as good as I looked and felt when I was juicing before. The energy is incredible and the overall "good feeling" can't be beat!
- Plan: Regardless of everything else going on in my life, I just want to be happy and feel good. This modified-ReBoot can get me there!